One Lens
Sorry it's been a long time between posts, I've not managed to get the time to put an article together. The good news is that I've been out shooting plenty and between time I managed to get down to the Freshwater Boardriders August and October monthly comp, the images are in the downloads area if you want a look.
Outside of that I've managed to get down to the beach, sometime for the surf (which has been good lately) and sometimes just to scratch that creative itch even when the waves weren't all that great.
I've been experimenting with just taking one lens, and then attempting to find compositions that work for that lens. In full frame terms, I've taken out a wide angle 16-28mm zoom, the kit 28-216mm zoom, a 40mm prime, and an 80mm prime.
I like the idea of simplicity especially when I don't have something specific to capture, to let the creative eye find a different perspective.
Enjoy the selection.
The cover shot taken on the 16-28mm @ 16mm, giving that rad angle of the palm trees.
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28-216mm @ 28mm

28-216mm @ 28mm

28-216mm @ 28mm

16-28mm @ 25mm | Bella, not actually late for work - the clock is wrong (honest!)

16-28mm @ 16mm

16-28mm @ 16mm
This morning wasn't the best light for pictures, but I just wanted to get into the water and take a few shots. I'm glad that I made the effort and felt great swimming around in the water, even if I was a little rusty. I'm hoping for a few decent days over the summer, to get my fix.

40mm prime | Cuzy, always turns up when there's a left

40mm prime

40mm prime

40mm Prime

40mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

80mm prime

160-640mm Zoom @ 216mm

160-640mm Zoom @ 263mm

160-640mm Zoom @ 263mm

160-640mm Zoom @ 160mm

160-640mm Zoom @ 640mm

160-640mm Zoom @ 320mm