Volume 3
Exercise was limited this week, with restrictions on my time during the early hours, combined with staying, very much, in a lock down mode. Sunday was the only window that I had to get in the water for some exercise and take the camera, and for Fridays window, it was better to surf than to take photos.
For water photos, I've always ended up going first thing in the mornings. There is nothing quite like starting the day seeing the sunrise from the ocean, either surfing or taking photos - somehow it starts the day right. The mornings are also generally quieter and the standard of surfing is a little higher - both of which are better for photos. However, with the direction of the sun there are challenges though, and I've been waiting for the right opportunity to shoot in the afternoon.
Sunday was that opportunity. With the current restrictions, Freshwater was busy everywhere, in the car park, on the beach and in the water. Luckily for me, local surfers Caelan and Archie were out, picking off the waves with potential. I didn't stay in long, I had enough photos to get a few ideas for future sessions and it got to the point that I felt I was pushing my luck bobbing around on the inside with the crowds in the water.
Here are the images from this week, which was just Sunday, so not a lot of variety this time.

Caelan, well worn path to the nose.

Navigating traffic

Five over


Crossing back

Caelan and Archie, sharing the waves.

Dropping the knee